T H E    " P I C T U R E    S T O R Y "    H E R E

W A T C H    T H E   V I D E O    O F     T H I S     L W V    O F    W E S T O N    P R O G R A M   -   C L I C K    O N    P H O T O    O F    P A N E L    A B O V E .      

C L I C K   O N    L I N K S   F O R :  Map of Trout Brook Valley, the Appendix information for this program and blow up of one of the WestCOG maps - links to 3 versions below.


"Picture Story" for natural resources program.  Every seat was filled and the presentations were awesome!!!

It was a beautiful Saturday in Weston. 

Every seat was taken in the Town Hall Commission Room and the program began after an excellent introduction...Bike-Ped went first, then Nature Conservancy and last Aspetuck Land Trust.

That's P&Z and new
Selectman (members of Building Committee and Conservation were present, too).
The audience was delighted to get so much information so relevant to what they actually wanted to know about!  And any extra materials were brought to Weston Library across the parking lot!

You have to have a map.  Note that Aspetuck Land Trust has many of its "preserves" (with trails, signs, etc.) in subdivisions from the period shown in red (second from left).
Aerial photography, WestCOG; 1986 land use, Weston (in 3 parts) including subdivisions 1986-1990;  Saugatuck River Watershed Conservation land;  Aspetuck Land Trust (Weston properties).

Want to go for a walk?
Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee Chair. described walking ideas for Westonites young and old.  And reminds all that when out and about, dress to be noticed!

The official history and the official aerial photo from WestCOG with overlay of all roads and buildings.
The whole story of how The Nature Conservancy came to be and how Westonite Katherine Ordway saw to it that the preserves in Weston bearing her father's and her name would be supported in perpetuity.  And we thank her every day!!!  "Upper third" of Weston (r) is all Aquarion and Nature Conservancy (a few large properties remain open besides theirs).

Aspetuck Land Trust has magnificent preserves open to the public...

All local "preserves" have mapsThey are in charge of Trout Brook Valley, too!
Aspetuck Land Trust is your neighborhood park, in essence.  But it is private, so you have to follow the rules.  But anyone can join and enjoy participating in keeping nature natural!

The League is so very thankful to the presenters Ray Rauth, Cynthia Fowx and Lisa Brodlie - and also to those who attended and asked such wonderful questions!   


An "Appendix" has been produced that provides links to further information online as well as an originally produced map by our previous regional planning agency SWRPA - the "WestCOG" organization now has capability to produce maps that display aerial photography plus an overlay of roads...this is G.I.S. in action!!! 
Link to "Weston's DNA" Conversation previously in 2015 - the first in a series, beginning appropriately with the Town Plan! 


Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee:  From May until October 2015 the first speaker listed walked all public roads in Weston.  Here is his report.   And the Channel 12 report here:  http://connecticut.news12.com/news/weston-man-walked-every-road-in-town-1.11028558

And The Nature Conservancy, its first property, we believe, having been the Lucius Pond Ordway Preserve ("Devil's Den"), will also present: 

The Aspetuck Land Trust will also report:  http://aspetucklandtrust.org/view/16813


Informational pamphlets from The Nature Conservancy as well as the Aspetuck Land Trust will be available

Weston maps at different scales and resolutions, developed specifically for this program by WestCOG:




Coffee, tea and donut holes will be available. 
Earlier "conversation" on "Weston's DNA" link here.